Read about meditation, sleep, mood, health, Self-Inquiry, self discovery and more.

How to Manage Our Betrayal – Part Two
How to Manage Our Betrayal Part Two By Dr. Robert Leichtman Betrayal can create profound disturbances in our ability to think clearly and plan our

Coping with Betrayal – Part One
Coping with Betrayal Part One By Dr. Robert Leichtman A betrayal causes a deep wound to our sense of who we are. Once it occurs,

Turning the Page
Turning the Page By Dr. Robert Leichtman There may come a day when you realize that you are about to “turn the page” in the

How Not To Make Ourselves Miserable: Part 2
In Part 2, we explore how to avoid being caught up in the despair and helplessness in mass consciousness.

How Not To Be Miserable: Part 1
Thriving in an imperfect world can be difficult. There are many events and situations that can irritate us. But ultimately, our mood is our own responsibility. Here’s how to work consciously with what’s available to us.

How to Remain Calm in Times of Protest and Chaos
How to Remain Calm in Times of Protest and Chaos By Dr. Robert Leichtman Master these Key Points to Remain Calm The most important steps

Sleep better with meditation and binaural beats.
Sleep better with meditation and binaural beats. Sleep is an essential phase of our life. We need it to achieve a restorative rest that prepares

Mindfulness and Meditation: Here’s how they work and why they are so beneficial
Mindfulness and Meditation Here’s how they work and why they are so beneficial Let’s start with meditation. Meditation is a way of altering our state

Can meditation help with anxiety, stress, and depression?
Can meditation help with anxiety, stress & depression? How do we define depression? Many of us believe that depression is only about those who are